La Bienal the Seville 2018

XX Edición de LA BIENAL de FLAMENCO de Seville. From 6 to September 30, 2018. La Bienal is the great international event of the world of flamenco. Every two years, Seville becomes the great showcase where amateurs and professionals of the sector from all over the world look. The main stage spaces of the city
El Ballet Flamenco celebró su 20 aniversario en Itálica El Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía llevo su espectáculo ‘Imágenes’ al antiguo teatro romano del yacimiento arqueológico de Itálica en Santiponce (Sevilla), actuando por primera vez en ese escenario con motivo de su 20 aniversario. ‘Imágenes’ consiguió el premio ‘Giraldillo’ al Mejor Espectáculo en la última edición
Channel Andalucia Flamenco to spread this art worldwide It has presented the channel Andalucia Flamenco, a multimedia platform RTVA 24 hours a day flamenco. The presentation of this new thematic channel maximum accessibility has been carried out in Andujar (Jaen), where the Andalusian Radio Television tonight will receive the award Rafael Romero ‘El Gallina’.  
“Flamenco is clandestino,” said Soledad Barrio, the star of the renowned company Noche Flamenca, who moved with her family from Madrid to Washington Heights two years ago. In a flamenco studio, she continued, “you don’t need big windows — or beautiful space.” Amor de Dios, the flamenco center in Madrid where Ms. Barrio, 50, and